We fell in love with this unique sport in 2008. In years after, we slowly follow up in the highest level of this sport. With our horses we always cooperate with heart, delicately, slowly. Maybe that is the reason we really have nice results from variety countries around the world. We still love it and will forever. It's like a drug, you know..

2008 7th place Czech rider of the year- junior
2009 2nd place Czech rider of the year- junior + 110th place FEI rankings
2009 Silver medal Czech Equestrian Federation for endurance results
2010 1st place Czech rider of the year- junior + 151th place FEI rankings (104th place Haydée)
2011 5th place Czech rider of the year- junior + 223th place FEI rankings (176th place Sirhael)
2012 7th place Czech rider of the year- junior + 115th place FEI rankings (152th place Haydée)

Here are all our results. The schedule includes also results from horses we have trained for. You can see complete results after click on "Result".
Date Place Horse Lenght Result
11.8.2007 Mníšek pod Brdy Ghafour KP (30 km) 3./21
26.4.2008 Rakvice Latenic Z (44 km) 4./19
7.6.2008 Třebušín Latenic Z (40 km) 4./11
5.7.2008 Zelčín Latenic Z (49 km) 4./17
19.7.2008 Lázně Bělohrad Haydée KP (20 km) 2./16
2.8.2008 Mníšek pod Brdy Latenic L (60 km) 7./14
6.9.2008 Paseky Latenic L (58 km) 1./10
20.9.2008 Vilémov Haydée KP (26 km) 1./16
11.10.2008 Most Latenic CEN (81 km) 8./10
21.4.2009 Fischerhude (DE) Latenic CEN (80 km) Elim
9.5.2009 Sloup Chosita S (84 km) 4./9
30.5.2009 Bad Blumau (AUT) Chosita CEI*j+y (80 km) 4./6
6.6.2009 Třebušín Haydée Z (40 km) 1./19
20.6.2009 Lázně Bělohrad Latenic S (80 km) 1./3 + Cena kondice
3.7.2009 Pardubice Chosita CEI**j+y (120 km) 2./9
3.7.2009 Pardubice Chosita MČR j+y (120 km) 2./7
24.7.2009 Nowa Wies (POL) Latenic CEN (80km) Elim
8.8.2009 Vilémov Sirhael Z (40km) 2./17
15.8.2009 Slavošov Haydée L (60km) 1./2 + Cena kondice
22.8.2009 Nučice Sirhael L (60km) 1./5
5.9.2009 Bábolna (HUN) Chosita MS j+yr (120km) 18./93
19.9.2009 Vrchovany Latenic S (90km) Elim
11.10.2009 Most Haydée L (68km) 3./17
17.4.2010 Kašovice Haydée S (96km) 5./5
8.5.2010 Lázně Bělohrad Haydée S (80km) 2./3 + Cena kondice
5.6.2010 Třebušín Haydée ST (100km) 1./3
20.6.2010 Pezinok (SK) Sirhael Z (40km) 7./15
3.7.2010 Sloup Haydée MČR j+yr (80km) 6./11
24.7.2010 Mikulov Sirhael S (98km) 1./3
14.8.2010 Vilémov Haydée L (60km) 5./13
21.8.2010 Pezinok (SK) Sirhael S (90km) 2./8
2.9.2010 Nowa Wies (POL) Haydée CEI*j+yr (80km) 2./3
18.9.2010 Slavošov Sirhael S (80km) 1./3
2.10.2010 Most Haydée CEI**j+yr (125km) 2./5
9.4.2011 Gartow (DE) Sirhael CEI*j+yr (90km) 7./12
16.4.2011 Kašovice Latenic Z (44km) 6./22
30.4.2011 Bábolna (HUN) Sirhael CEI**j+yr (120km) 9./9
7.5.2011 Hoštka Latenic S (80km) 2./4 + Cena kondice
21.5.2011 Slavošov Sirhael L (60km) Elim
4.6.2011 Třebušín Faloma Z (40km) 15./24
23.7.2011 Mikulov Haydée L (60km) 11./17
20.8.2011 Vilémov Tennessee ZM (30km) 5./15
27.8.2011 Tauscha (DE) Haydée CEN (107km) 1./6
18.9.2011 Most Faloma S (80km) Elim
24.3.2012 Hoštka Tequila Jay Jay Chilli Z (40km) 14./15
31.3.2012 Paaren Im Glien (DE) Haydée CEI**j+yr (120km) 4./6 + Cena kondice
14.4.2012 Svojetice Sirhael L (66km) 8./17
27.-29.4.2012 Bábolna (HUN) Latenic CEN (40km) Retired
27.-29.4.2012 Bábolna (HUN) Haydée CEI*j+yr (80km) 3./8 + Cena kondice
18.5.2012 Aldam (JAR) Karabib CEI**j+yr (120km) 22./66
30.7.2012 Nörten Hardenberg (DE) Haydée CEI*** (160km) 1./4
24.8.2013 Tauscha (DE) Tequila Jay Jay Chilli L (67km) 2./2
11.4.2015 Všetice Mont Blanc Z (40km) 14./23
2.5.2015 Schildau (DE) Mont Blanc L (55km) 14./17
29.8.2015 Tauscha (DE) Mont Blanc L (67km) Elim
27.9.2015 Paseky Mont Blanc S (84km) 10./13

For having nice, sensitive and full of trust relationships with our horses, we practising flatwork and dressage. Sometimes we try the rivals somewhere.
Date závodů Place Horse Difficulty Results
21.10.2012 HOBBY Ptice Haydée Z2 4./8, 56%
21.10.2012 HOBBY Ptice Tequila JayJay Chilli CN1 1./3, 60%
14.4.2013 HOBBY Ptice Tequila JayJay Chilli Z3 1., 67%
14.4.2013 HOBBY Ptice Haydée Z0 2., 56%
6.7.2013 Mělník Tequila JayJay Chilli Z0 8./8, 48,2%
14.4.2013 Mělník Tequila JayJay Chilli Z3 9./17, 53,6%
19.4.2014 HOBBY Tlustice Mont Blanc Z0 3./8, 55%
28.10.2015 Heroutice Mont Blanc Z2 7./13, 58,5%
28.10.2015 Heroutice Mont Blanc L8 12./13, 52%

We started with working equitation in 2015. It's fantastic for it's entertainment, diversity and checking character. And our horses really surprise everytime, like an evidence they are so great and they can do everything for us with no doubt and happiness!
Date závodů Place Horse Difficulty Result
16.5.2015 HOBBY Nižbor Mont Blanc S 2./9